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biochemistry36王大伟王伯珉Performance of positron emission tomography and positron emission tomography/computed tomography using fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose for the diagnosis staging,and recurrence assessment of bone sarcomaMedicine94(36)刘凡孝董金磊Application of additional medial plate in treatment of proximal humeral fractres with unstable medial columnMedicine94(41)贺宇王甫、周东生Comparison of rhBMP-2 versus Autogenous Iliac Crest Bone Graft for 2-Level Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion for Cervical Spondylotic MyelopathyMedical science monitor21谭炳毅王峰Comparison of 3D C-arm fluoroscopy and 3D image-guided navigation for minimally invasive pelvic surgeryInternational journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery10(10)李斌郝振海Comparative Study of Modified Posterior Operation to Treat Kümmell's DiseaseMedicine94(39)王峰王大川Anatomical Measurement and Finite Element Study on Screw Channel Parameter in Percutaneous Fixation of Canulated Screw for SymphyseolysiCell biochemistry and biophysics71(2 )余可和周东生Comparison of reconstruction plate screw fixation and percutaneous cannulated screw fixation in treatment of Tile B1 type pubic symphysis diastasis: a finite element analysis and 10-year clinical experienceJournal of orthopaedic surgery and research10(1)余可和周东生Comments on the article of Bu, et al entitled “P16INK4a overexpression and survival in osteosarcoma patients: a meta analysis”Int J Clin Exp Pathol8(3)刘凡孝王伯珉Efficacy and safety evaluation of intra-articular injection of tranexamic acid in total knee arthroplasty operation with temporarily drainage closeInternational journal of clinical and experimental medicine8(8)王国为孙水A canine model of osteonecrosis of the femoral head induced by MRI guided argon helium cryotherapy systemInternational journal of clinical and experimental medicine8(8)王栋孙水Trichosporon asahii infection after total knee arthroplasty: A case report and review of the literatureThe canadian journal of infectious diseases & medical microbiology26(1)左强穆卫东Quantitative analysis of factors influencing tissue-engineered bone formation by detecting the expression levels of alkaline phosphatase and bone γ-carboxyglutamate protein 2Experimental and therapeutic medicine9(4)宋择众孙水Squamous cell carcinoma resulting from chronic osteomyelitis: a retrospective study of 8 casesInternational journal of clinical and experimental pathology8(9)李庆虎刘萍miR‐454 is down‐regulated in osteosarcomas and suppresses cell proliferation and invasion by directly targeting c‐MetCell proliferation48(3)牛光锋孙建民Minimally Invasive Sinus Tarsi Approach With Cannulated Screw Fixation Combined With Vacuum-Assisted Closure for Treatment of Severe Open Calcaneal Fractures With Medial WoundsThe Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery55(1)张太远穆卫东Application of Additional Medial Plate in Treatment of Proximal Humeral Fractures With Unstable Medial Column: A Finite Element Study and Clinical PracticeMedicine94(41)贺宇周东生Modified Ilioinguinal Approach to Treat Pelvic or 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induces bone osteolysis by transcriptional suppression of TSSC1Biochemical and biophysical research communications438(4)王大川袁泽农Risk factors of surgical site infection after acetabular fracture surgerySurgical infections16(5)李庆虎周东生Retroperitoneal packing or angioembolization for haemorrhage control of pelvic fractures—Quasi-randomized clinical trial of 56 haemodynamically unstable patients with Injury Severity Score≥ 33Injury47(2)李庆虎周东生Morphology Study of Thoracic Transverse Processes and Its Significance in Pedicle-rib Unit Screw FixationJournal of spinal disorders & techniques28(2)崔新刚崔新刚One Stage Correction Surgery of Scoliosis Associated With Syringomyelia: Is it Safe to Leave Untreated a Syrinx Without Neurological Symptom?Journal of spinal disorders & techniques28(5)王国栋孙建民Evaluation of Degenerative Lumbar Scoliosis After Short Segment Decompression and FusionMedicine (Baltimore)94(47)王乃国袁泽农Down-regulation of microRNA152 is associated with the diagnosis and prognosis of patients with osteosarcomaInt J Clin Exp Pathol8(8)王乃国袁泽农Association between CTLA-4 gene polymorphism and ankylosing spondylitis: a case-control studyInt J Clin Exp Pathol8(6)王乃国袁泽农Absence of Ligamentum Teres in Developmental Dysplasia of the HipJ Pediatr Orthop35(7)李天友王延宙 上一篇: 出版著作 下一篇: 发表论文2014年 相关科室 | 相关医生 | 相关文章 | 相关咨询 | 相关视频 | 相关疾病 相关专家 刘伟 姓名:刘伟 副主任医师 向Ta咨询详细 专长:小儿泌尿外科常见病及疑难疾病的诊治及微创治疗,如肾积水、尿道下裂、重复肾、隐睾、膀胱输尿管反流、性别发育异常、鞘膜积液及斜疝、排尿功能异常、肾母细胞瘤、神经… 简介:刘伟,副主任医师,医学博士,硕士生导师,美国辛辛那提儿童医院访问学者。获山东省科技进步二等奖1项,承担多项国家自然科学基金、中国博士后基金、山东省自然基金等科研项目,发表SCI收录及核心期刊论文四十余篇,曾获2018年中华医… 王栋 王振 吴昌顺 冯虹 冯虹 董金磊 李天友 王大伟 崔新刚 王延宙 穆卫东 郝振海 王甫 王伯珉 周东生 孙水 丰荣杰 谭炳毅 李斌 更多相关文章 具有影响力论著 我院召开劳模代表座谈会 获奖论著 科研成果 小儿骨科王延宙主任医师受邀参加香港大学深圳医院骨外科高峰论坛作学术交流 我院外科第七党支部开展党史学习教育主题党日活动 第九届国家级儿童内分泌代谢性疾病诊治新进展继续教育学习班 在济顺利召开 小儿骨科积极做好成骨不全月宣传义诊活动并成立“小儿骨科医务社工服务站暨瓷爱水滴空间” 山东省立医院韩俊庆主任荣获“山东省富民兴鲁劳动奖章” 山东第一医科大学附属省立医院成功承办2020年山东省老年医学学会肿瘤多学科诊疗分会年会 更多相关视频 播放 山东卫视公共频道《中国好大夫》:周东生——一袭白衣存风骨  浏览量:1876 播放 《早安山东》 来鲁就医青海“瓷娃娃”康复出院  浏览量:492 友情链接 : 地址:济南市经五纬七路324号 邮编:250021 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